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Operação Baixas Temperaturas 2023
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About Us
There is something immutable, which is the essence and trigger for change: creativity. And here, we’re not talking about advertising. We’re talking about the human ability to create new insights, solutions, and new businesses. The human talent to transform knowledge and intuition into a project. The human talent to innovate, to see new paths, new perspectives, new angles, and to reinvent oneself. Only creativity can de-commoditize branding, tell new stories, boost competitiveness, and revolutionize brands. And creativity transforms into ideas. Ideas are relevant insights, disruptive strategies, in any form, platform, or channel. Ideas are content, technology, business, a new product—ideas are everything. We sell ideas because we believe creativity is the soul and driving force of a world that wakes up old and goes to bed new. We are creators of this new era. We sell ideas.
Propeg is an independent Brazilian agency, among the largest and most awarded in the country. Founded in 1965, it has six business units strategically located in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Goiás, Pernambuco, and Bahia, serving both national and regional clients. Its presence in different regions deepens its knowledge, perspective, and expertise in various audiences and markets throughout Brazil, making this a great strength of Propeg’s operation. In 2020, it became a partner of WPI, a network of independent agencies that brings together 95 agencies operating in 50 countries, acting as the national arm of the global network, thus expanding its access to trends, tools, and global networking, completing Propeg’s local, national, and global scope of operations.
Clients Market

Public Sector Clients

Our Team
Fernando Barros
ChairmanIn Propeg since 1973. Started in accounts but his passion for advertising made his way up to becoming a partner and agency chairman nowadays.
Vitor Barros
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERAdministrator, specialist in Digital Strategy from New York University and ESPM, and a member of the global board of Worldwide Partners. He has worked with brands such as Caixa, Petrobras, 3M, Coca-Cola, among others. Twice chosen as Advertiser of the Year by the Colunistas Award
Marcos Fonseca
EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENTLawyer with 20 years of experience in finance and administration. Responsible for legal and human resources in Propeg.
Gustavo Giudice
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICERGraduated in Economy with masters in Business Management and Management. Over 30 years of experience in finance department, accounting and management.
Melina Romariz
CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICERWith more than 15 years of experience, Melina led many strategies across multiple industry brands. At Propeg, performs an important role on the strategy of brands like Petrobras, Caixa and M. Dias Branco.
Emerson Braga
CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICERGraduated in Advertising, was copywriter of the Year in Portugal. Came back to Brazil as Creative Director and since 2015 is CCO of Propeg.
Roberto Tourinho
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SPGraduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), he has 40 years of experience in administration, finance, and business management, with the last 28 years dedicated to the advertising industry.
Alice Cidaco
GENERAL DIRECTOR RJWith 12 years of experience, has serviced national and multinational brands like Nestlé, L’Oréal and Petrobras.
Duda Guedes
GENERAL DIRECTOR DFGraduated in advertising, with an MBA from FGV. With over 20 years in the market, she is a specialist in managing advertising accounts such as BB, Caixa, and Dasa. She plays a strategic role in strengthening and growing the Brasília unit, leading projects and managing teams.
Elisa Rei
GENERAL MANAGER GOShe graduated in Advertising and Publicity and works in advertising in Goiás. She has been working in communication with large public and private clients for 18 years. At Propeg, she looks after the Government of the State of Goiás’ account.
Maria Edith Cunha
GENERAL DIRECTOR PEPublicity and Propaganda degree from UFPE and 30 years’ experience in serving public and private, regional and national accounts, such as the Government of PE, Recife City Hall, Vigor Grego, Vivo, Shopping Recife, Nagem and Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde.
Michele Estevez
GENERAL DIRECTOR BAGraduated in Advertising with masters in Marketing, has more than 12 years of experience in the industry. Is the current head of Account Services at Propeg Bahia.
Pedro Battesti
ACCOUNT DIRECTOR SPWith 30 years of client services experience, he has worked at agencies such as Almap BBDO, JWT, McCann-Erickson and F/Nazca S&S. He has worked for national and international clients such as Ford, Honda, VW, Chevrolet, Wal-Mart, Bridgestone, Vivo, Embratel, Claro, among others.
João Brito
ACCOUNT DIRECTOR SPGraduated in Advertising, post-graduated in Social Sciences Applied to Consumption by ESPM, and Communication Planning by Miami Ad School, he has extensive experience in managing accounts such as Carrefour, Pernambucanas, Sadia, São Paulo Government and São Paulo City Hall.
Manoela Cunha
ACCOUNT DIRECTOR DFShe has been working in the advertising market for over 20 years. She has worked at agencies such as DPZ Propaganda, Giacometti, Fischer & Friends, and Calia. At Propeg, she worked for Correios and the Ministry of Health. She has been responsible for the CAIXA account since 2016.
Nanielle Cortes
ACCOUNT DIRECTOR DFDegree in Publicity and Advertising, in the market for over 19 years. In the public sector she has already handled the Legislative Chamber, Detran, Metrô, BRB brokers, Ministry of Science and Technology accounts. Currently responsible for the Federal District Government account.
Priscila Figueira
ACCOUNT DIRECTOR DFShe has 18 years of experience with public clients in the communications market,having worked in the markets of Bahia, São Paulo, Sergipe, Goiás and Brasília. At Propeg, she is responsible for the Department of Communication of the Federal Government’s account.
Hermes Zambini
CREATIVE DIRECTOR SPGraduated in Advertising, he worked as Editor and Director. of Creation at agencies Thompson, Grey, F/Nazca, LewLara/TBWA, Nova/SB, McGarryBowen. And for clients such as Nestlé, P&G, Unilever, 3M, Kellogs, Pepsico, NetFlix, Subway and Caixa Econômica, among others.
Bernardo Cople
CREATIVE DIRECTOR RJ20 years of experience servicing clients like Oi, Coca-Cola, Heinekken, Bob’s, Correios and Petrobras.
Maurício Passarinho
CREATIVE DIRECTOR DFAdvertising degree, 25 years’ expertise in public accounts. Editor/Creative Director at agencies such as Ogilvy, TBWA, Lowe, Giacometti, NBS and Propeg. Responsible for clients such as SECOM/PR, CAIXA, Banco do Brasil, Correios, Ministry of Health, SEBRAE and EMBRATUR.
Barbara Ferreira
PLANNING DIRECTOR SP, RJ, PE, BAFrom Bahia, mother of Caetano, and a strategist with over 15 years of experience at agencies like FCB, NBS, and Heads, working for brands such as O Boticário, CCAA, TIM, Oi, Coca-Cola, Petrobras, Enel, Neoenergia, UN Women, 3M, M. Dias Branco, Casa&Video, Le Biscuit, among others
Maurício Pinho
PLANNING DIRECTOR DF, GOGraduated in Social Communication, he built his career at agencies such as Objectiva, CasaDigital, Digital Group, and Monumenta, serving clients like CAIXA, Banco do Brasil, and BB Seguros.
Marilene Fernandes
MEDIA DIRECTOR RJA professional with over 25 years of experience in advertising, specializing in media and the management of major national and international accounts. She has worked with brands such as Coca-Cola, TIM, and Johnson Wax. Awarded by ABP, she is a former president of the Rio de Janeiro Media Group and a Media professor at UVA.
Guilherme Franco
MEDIA DIRECTOR DFGraduated in advertising with over 12 years of experience in media. Guilherme has worked with clients like Caixa Bank, Bank of Brazil, Correios, Ministry of Health of Brazil, Ministry of Communications of Brazil, Ministry of Cities of Brazil and Visit Brazil.
Anádia Portugal
ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL DIRECTORBusiness Administration/Accounting degree from Estácio University Center of Bahia. More than 25 years’ experience in the administrative and financial areas, developed in large logistics and communication companies. Working for 15 years in the advertising market.
Álvaro Pereira
LEGAL AND TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORLawyer and bachelor in Computer Science, postgraduate in Project Management and in Compliance, Governance and Risks. More than 13 years of experience in the advertising market. Certified Lead Assessor SIG ISO 19600:2014 and ISO 37001:2106 - Compliance and Anti-Bribery by ATSG. Ce

In the last decade, Propeg has enhanced its management model, implementing best practices in compliance with the global market. Our concern with ethical principles, transparency seek to transmit confidence to clients, stakeholders, suppliers, investors and society in general.
Our main objective is make sure that decisions within Propeg are made according to ethical values, preserving our economic and social value on the long run.
Ethics Committee / / 0800 721 1431